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Stefan ORINS (Piano) - Olivier BENOIT (Guitar) - Peter ORINS (Drums) - Laurent DIONNET (Sax) - Laurent MADELAIN (Guitar)

This quintet evolves in compositions influenced both by European music and new ever-changing waves from across the Atlantic


Their various source of influence : from proper traditional music to that of Keith Jarett, Louis Sclavis or Henri Texier. No need to say that their jazz is relatively beyond the conventional structures and far from their American origins. From this blending of elements coming from so different origins, emerges a musical climate rich in subtleties and in harmonic daring in which each musician progresses freely and with elegance.

The winner is, almost unanimously, the quintet Impression, coming from Lille in France. Since 1992, the repertoire of Impression is essentially composed of original works. The group is in the stream of Eurpean Jazz, free and mastered, lyrical and technical, inspired by the traditions and yet follower of innovations. This quintet leaves a great Impression (how could we avoid this pun?) by the quality of its musical wrinting and its cohesion.

With the support of

MUSIC BEER Foundation

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