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"On the funny side of

the strings"


Fabrice ALLEMAN, Soprano Sax
Paolo LOVERI Acoustic & Electric Guitars  


Pietro Condorelli, Guitar

With Strings Quartet

This record by the duo "Alleman - Loveri" is a good surprise in this summer period which is generally poor in terms of new releases. Under an insane cover suitable to make the colors dizzying and to make you doubt your visual acuity, hides a disc with real moments of grace and that we will review often. For Caria, the ballad that opens this repertoire, will immediately put you in the mood: the soprano saxophone of Montois Fabrice Alleman has the gift of being at the same time colorful, vivacious, contrasting and dynamic while being restful. He expresses himself for a few moments on the arpeggios and acoustic chords of guitarist Paolo Loveri before being joined by a string quartet whose arrangement is signed on this track by Pirly Zurstrassen. Perhaps it is the fact that there is neither bass nor drums here that the integration of a string orchestra seems much more obvious. Still, the expression of chamber jazz has never been more appropriate than for all these intimate ballads (For Caria, For The First Time, Eclipse, The Little Castle) which constitute the essence of this new opus full of charm and melancholy. At the crossroads of improvised music and European classicism, these hybrid moments are not, however, exempt from swing: both Loveri and Alleman know what improvising means and get along like no one else to suddenly lift the wind and sow the storm. . So it is with Three For One or Improvisation 1. So it is again with J-J on which the duo is joined by a second guitarist: Pietro Condorelli. The string orchestra is then forgotten and we are much closer to the living sources of the blues as if the artists had wanted, the time of a title, to recall the primordial need in the form of expression that they have chosen. . Excellent!

Dragon Jazz.

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